WordPress Containerized with SQLite

What’s this about? I have a handful of WordPress sites I’ve built for friends and family over the years. They’ve each been built and deployed in different ways as my development skills changed over that timeframe, which means each time I need to revisit one of the sites, I have to relearn how it’s deployed and how to make updates. I want to rethink how I deploy these WordPress sites in a way that is

Please OCI on GitLab

This post walks through creating a project that uses Please to build a Go binary and package it in an OCI-compliant container image using non-Docker tools. The project uses Gitlab for Continuous Integration and a Container Registry to build and store the container image. The completed project can be viewed here. Please Please is a build tool written in Go. It’s akin to Make or Bazel, in that you define targets, and the tool handles building the target and it’s dependencies.